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This book is a by-product of an intensive, double-barrel apostolic ministry executed over the course of nearly two decades. The author, uniquely tutored in the school of the Spirit has been privileged to serve at the pleasure of Heaven’s Great King as an apostle both within the body of Christ and in the marketplace.
Drawing upon his intensive obedience and extensive experience, it has pleased the Lord for him to compose a treatise that would address those whose primary call is to serve as apostolic functionaries in the marketplace of the nations. This is because the harvest in the fields of the world is ripe but kingdom laborers are not yet rife. It is time for the Lord’s apostles in the marketplace to arise in faith and obedience and put the sickle in!


  • Arome Osayi is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ with the mandate to strive for the rebirth of apostolic Christianity. He is the Setman of Remnant Christian Network (RCN) headquartered in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria with centres across Nigeria and the UK.

    All his books are byproducts of his rich spoken ministry.

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